

Have you ever heard of a Billbergia? Well, you have now. Billbergias are a bromeliad that covers a varied and beautiful range of bromeliads. We have many varieties here at the garden and many are blooming right now. The good news is the blooms can last for weeks. They prefer humidity which Florida has in abundance and likes sandy, well-draining soil. They don’t require a lot of water either. Billbergias like some full sun, but dappled light works as well. They can handle temps as low as 30 degrees.

The blooms can vary from light pinks and blues to bright reds and can make a striking addition to your garden. Come see if you can spot the beauty pictured here at St. John’s Botanical. Here’s a hint, look toward the exit. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Article and pictures by Libby Luedeke.

Dyckia “Silver Superstar”




This an evergreen bromeliad with silvery foliage and bright orange flowers. It can be found on Silver Hill. Grows best in zones 9A to11 and is very drought tolerant. Gets up to about 6″ tall and 12″ wide, so it also makes a great container plant as well. Very slow growing, it can handle temps down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. We have a couple of other Dyckias as well, another one will be blooming soon, so come see them now in their full glory!


Article and pictures by Libby Luedeke.

Plant of the Month