Plant of the Month – Bridal Veils Clerodendrum

Let’s look at the Bridal Veils Clerodendrum, as it is blooming right now. The garden is looking especially beautiful now after all the storms have finally gotten past us and the temps are getting cooler.

Head on down to get a look at this beauty. It’s located very near the main entrance and to the right. It’s a tall shrub that likes to be in well-draining soil but with lots of organic matter still, not sand. Enjoys dappled sunlight and a little fertilizer each month. It’s not a bib fan of cold weather though. Would need a cover up if it gets in the 20’s, but don’t fret if it gets burned . Give a trim and it will come back pretty as ever.

Come see us real soon!

Article and pictures by Libby Luedeke.