There are some amazing aloes out there and we have many of them in the Garden. The one pictured here is what I believe to be Aloe arborescens, the Torch Aloe. If I am wrong, please forgive me as there are many different types and there are only slight differences among them, but, I had to feature it because it is so beautiful right now! The good news is that their needs are all the same. In a perfect environment they have the potential to reach 6 to 10 feet tall, but that is only likely to occur in their native habitat in South Africa. They are easily grown in sandy, well drained soil, with full sun or light shade. They are also very drought and salt tolerant. And this particular species has some cold tolerance as well. Hence, they are excellent in rock gardens or hilly landscapes. The birds and bees will flock to them. Furthermore, they are virtually disease free, but watch for scale and mealy bugs.
Aloes provide a great pop of color in the winter while many other plants are dormant.
Group with other succulents and cacti as they are great companions. Look for this one on Silver
Hill near Caribbean Cove, between some African palms that they may grow near in the wild.
Hope to see you there!
Contributed by Libby Luedeke